MONDAY ********************************** Anya: "Buffy's boinking Spike." Willow: "Oh... well, Tara's right. Grief can be powerful... and we shouldn't judge..." Tara: "What, are you kidding? She's nuts!" (Intervention) ********************************** Fortune Cookies: "Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world." ---R. D. Lang "There is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror." ---W. Somerset Maugham "Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." ---Bertolt Brecht "I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me." ---Hunter S. Thompson WEDNESDAY *********************************** Xander: "Are you in the vomit club, too?" Willow: "I had too much nog." Tara: "Oh, baby. Want me to rub your tummy? She likes it when I-- Uh, stop explaining things." (The Body) ********************************** Fortune Cookies: Gluttony is not a secret vice. --Orson Welles Everything becomes a little different as soon as it is spoken out loud. --Hermann Hesse Kodak: Well, I could explain it better, but I'd need charts and graphs and an easel. ---American President "Rub your tummy, just like this. Rub it all day long! Rub your tummy, rub it hard, While we sing our song. Rub, rub, rubba, rub Rub, rub, rubba, rub Rub, rub, rubba, rub Rub, rub, rubba, rub Rub Play and sing along. Pat your head, just like this. Pat it all day long! Pat your head, but not too hard, And sing our silly song Pat Pat Patta Pat Pat Pat Patta Pat Pat Pat Patta Pat Pat Pat Patta Pat Pat Sing our silly song. Rub your tummy, pat your head! Play and sing along-- As we sing our very, very, Merry silly song. Clap your hands, just like this. Clap Tem all day long. Clap your hands 1-2-3! While we sing our song. CLAP! Come on and play along" --Sesame Street, "Rub your Tummy" FRIDAY ********************************** Tara: "She practically had 'genuine molded plastic' stamped on her ass." (everyone looks at her, startled) "Just trying a little spicy talk." (I was Made to Love You) ********************************** Fortune Cookies: "The Encyclopedia Galactica defines a robot as a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man. The marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as 'Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun To Be With.'" --Douglas Adams "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" Del: "Was that seat hot or what? I feel like a Whopper. Turn me over, I'm done and ready. I'm afraid to look at my ass. There'll be grill marks. " ---Planes Trains & Automobiles Ally: I mean, with all due respect, you sort of walk around with uppity breasts, and the hair flips aren't the most subtle. And your perfume -- you could be flammable. Now what if somebody shut you down as a safety hazard, how would you feel then? Elaine: That was with all due respect? ---Ally McBeal "Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery." ---Supermodel Beverly Johnson